21st January - high hopes for my WeBS count at Whitlingham today, as a Ferruginous Duck had been found recently. However, when I finally saw the bird in the bay by the island I was rather non-plussed, as it seemed to have a distinctly blocky head-shape. It flew before I could get a photo, although I later relocated it more distantly on Thorpe Broad, where it still looked rather hybrid like. Surprised that no-one else seems to have questioned it, but anyway, it aint going on my Whitlingham list with a head shape like that. Otherwise a fairly uneventful WeBS count, although 300 Teal was a good total, and the hybrid Wigeon x Gadwall was present.
17th January - made a pre-work quick check of the Nunnery Lakes, but failed to relocate yesterday's Short-eared Owl; failed similarly at lunchtime too. Highlights were 10 Goosander, 23 Cormorants and 100+ Siskin, plus some obliging Lesser Redpolls on Jez's feeders.
16th January - meeting with CEH in London, but a notable sighting was a House Mouse scurrying between the rails at Victoria tube station - I don't recall seeing one for yonks. Couple of Little Egrets near Stowmarket at dusk from the train on the way home also.
Lesser Redpoll on feeder by the Nunnery
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