Sunday, May 20, 2012

23rd-29th April

Sun 29th - the boys and I had a walk around the whole Strumpshaw loop in the rain in the morning. Best bird got away - just as I looked out of the reception hide, I picked up a distant ringtail harrier that I couldn't pin down to species - gut feeling was Hen but good date for Montagu's obviously. A few year-ticks though - Reed and Garden Warblers and Common Tern.  In the late afternoon, I walked around the village when the rain stopped and was rewarded by a Hobby over Hawes Green - brilliant!

Sat 28th - a quick look at Whitlingham produced my first Swifts of the year. A male Whitethroat was present all afternoon in the garden, but the rain kept it from singing - presumably the one that subsequently set up territory. Little Egret on the common was a mild surprise - thought they'd all gone.

Fri 27th - a long-awaited Nunnery tick as a male Marsh Harrier flew north over as I arrived for work - no. 154 for the Nunnery! Another very poor night for moths at home - singles of Red Chestnut, Clouded Drab, Early Grey and Shuttle-shaped Dart.

Wed 25th - quick walk into Smeeth Wood for the Nightingale survey - again none, but nice to see some Ramsons here plus Wood Sedge and Wood Sorrel.

Ramsons, Smeeth Wood

Mon 23rd - got up early to whizz round three tetrads for the Nightingale survey. No luck with the target species, as expected, but I did see a Cuckoo at Postwick. Later, lots of female Anthophora plumipes nesting in the wall at the Nunnery, plus Sedge Warblers and House Martins at the Nunnery Lakes. In the evening, an in-house micro moth proved to be the tineid Nemopogon cloacella.

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