Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week round-up: 17th to 23rd October

A bit of a quiet week really, with the wind switching back to be more west (or later south). Highlights were:

Monday 17th October. The trap (from the previous night) contained just single Green-brindled Crescent, Turnip and Brown-spot Pinion (and the bulb had exploded overnight in the rain).

Tuesday 18th October. Walk at Nunnery Lakes at lunchtime produced a single Little Egret and an interesting hybrid goose; vague hopes of turning it into a whitefront but photos show that it clearly isn't - it's a big adult goose, presumably containing some Greylag and who knows what else.

Wednesday 19th October. Belated WeBS count at Whitlingham before work included 72 Mute Swans, 13 Teal, 3 Kingfisher, 71 Gadwall, 1 Little Grebe, 3 Shoveler, 2 Wigeon and a Black Swan.

Thursday 20th October. Highlight at work was an adult Whooper Swan on D lake that I found at lunchtime, only my second lakes record and first since 1999. Successfully twitched by Neil, and later by Dave, Chas and Ian, but had gone by the following morning.

Saturday 22nd October. Morning walk around Strumpshaw with the boys - a brief Water Rail by the visitor centre and a brief Bittern in flight by the riverbank that dropped into the reeds before Tom and Dunc ran to catch up. A couple of Fieldfares also along the riverbank, and at least five Cetti's heard. Bike ride to Hempnall in the afternoon produced nothing apart from a sizeable flock of gulls following the plough, mostly Black-heads. Trap in the evening produced single Large Yellow Underwing, Brown-spot Pinion and Beaded Chestnut.

Sunday 23rd October. Lazy morning then, after taking Tom to play football at Horsford, Duncan and I walked through Horsford Woods. Quiet, with just 15 species recorded included a couple of Crossbills over.

Dodgy hybrid goose, Nunnery Lakes

Undodgy Whooper Swan, Nunnery Lakes (is that the dodgy goose with it?!)

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