Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week round-up: 3rd to 9th October

Following the excitement of the Sandhill Crane chase, this week was rather quiet:

5th October - confirmed the continuing absence of Sandy Stilt Puffballs in Stoke Holy Cross (trying to check once per month this year). Walked around the Nunnery Lakes and saw nothing of note.

6th October - drove to Oxford with Andy Clements for meeting with Paul Jepson. Traffic fairly tedious but 21 Red Kites along M40 (with a few just into Oxford) on the way there, and 12 on the way back again.

7th October - Nunnery Lakes: the returning Barnacle Goose that had been added to the TEAL list the previous day, along with 3 Teal and 2 Snipe. Moth-trap in the evening gave 17 moths of 10 species, including Green-brindled Crescent new for the year.

8th October - at last, Redwings arriving with 40 over Poringland in the morning and 4 at home in the afternoon.

9th October - excellent views of the juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Lowestoft beach car park. We were in a bit of a hurry to get Tom to a football match so no time to search for the Yellow-browed Warblers, but a brief seawatch produced quite a lot of Brents (Landguard apparently had 9000 today!) and my first Bonxie of the year (finally putting my year-list on 200). We later had a look at Breydon, but saw little of note with the tide right out, except for a Wheatear. A quick look off Yarmouth beach produced lots of Gannets and 150+ seals on Scroby Sands, as well as at least 10 Med Gulls around the beach and offshore.

Woodchat Shrike, Lowestoft

Mediterranean Gull, Great Yarmouth

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