Sunday, November 6, 2011

31st Oct - 6th Nov

This week almost disappeared without a single thing to jot down. Work busy and didn't manage to get out for a single lunchtime walk all week. Saturday back at the Nunnery meeting the BTO Regional Network, which also didn't get me out (although one of the local Tawny Owls was hooting towards the end of proceedings). 

Finally, on Sunday I had no work. The kids were orienteering with the scouts, so Trudy and I walked through some bog-standard Norfolk countryside around Pulham Market. Just 31 species on this walk, with the most notable being a surprise flock of six Pink-feet low overhead, not a usual area for this species. Also there had clearly been  an arrival of Fieldfares and Redwings during the week, with several parties of both seen. Back home and got the moth-trap on Sunday evening, being rewarded with the first December Moth of the year; they always appear around now, despite the name.

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