Tuesday, November 15, 2011

7th-13th October 2011

Another quiet week. On Thursday 10th, Tony Leech came down to the Nunnery for a lunchtime foray, which produced a surprising amount of species - full list to appear yet but I recall the Weeping Widow and the Whitye Knight. A Red Admiral was still flying also, as well as Tree Bumblebee. Finally got down to the Nunnery Lakes Friday lunchtime where no winter geese but a record count of 4 Little Egrets. Nice to see some Fly Agarics out now by D lake too. Grabbed some oak leaves and that evening confirmed three more leaf-miners for the Nunnery year list - Ectoedemia quinquella, subbimaculella and heringi.

On Saturday, the boys and I managed a couple of hours at Buckenham in the afternoon, where both Water Pipit (flying over calling) and Short-eared Owl (hunting over Claxton Marsh) were belated year-ticks. Also the usual flock of Barnacles numbered 22, accompanied as ever by the assumed hybrid Barnacle x Snow. Walk round Tasburgh on Sunday morning produced an even later Red Admiral, whilst 300 Golden Plovers were a surprise find along Leafy Oak Lane on an afternoon bike ride.

Fly Agaric, Nunnery Lakes

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