Monday, December 5, 2011

21st-27th November 2011

Wednesday 23rd - Nunnery Lakes lunchtime walk produced a "seen" Water Rail by the confluence of the river and the cut channel, our regular Aythya hybrid of New Zealand Scaup like appearance, three Wigeon, a Little Egret and my first pair of Goosander here this winter.

Friday 25th - No Cranes from the train across the fens again, but several hundred wild swans at the Ouse Washes as usual too far to differentiate.

Saturday 26th - With my parents down for the weekend, I took Dad to Buckenham and Cantley on a wild goose chase. Only literally though, as we did (after some searching) eventually convince ourselves of a small flock of very distant Bean Geese, as well as about 70 White-fronts and 300 Pinks. As well as the other usual species here, the highlight was a fantastic female or immature Merlin, which was amazingly my first since 2008 - I really must get out more. Good views of it perched on the fence posts, at a safe distance from the Peregrines, and chasing Linnets. Not close enough really for photography unfortunately. In the afternoon, after the boys had done their skiing we walked around Whitlingham where a single adult Yellow-legged Gull was present.

Sunday 27th - Taxiing in the morning, and a walk around the village in the afternoon was notable only for a pair of Egyptian Geese in the field by Rogers Lane.

New Zealand Scaup type hybrid at the Nunnery Lakes with Tufties.

Merlin at Buckenham, wishing it was a larger predator...

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