Saturday, December 24, 2011

5th-11th December 2011

Rather a quiet week, daily highlights now given in reverse order (to go with the flow of the blog posts):

Sunday 11th - seeing as we hadn't been out much recently, we had a family walk today. Drove to Thetford station and then got the train (or bus, as it turned out) to Brandon. We then walked back through the forest. Bit rainy at first, and felt like we were getting a bit lost towards the end, but a good hike all the same. Nothing outstanding seen but a few Crossbills over at Santon. Someone else had reported a Great Grey Shrike during the day, but we didn't chance upon it unfortunately.

Wednesday 7th - Nunnery Lakes at lunchtime, with Water Rail and Little Grebe of note

Monday 5th - another blank in my monthly search for the Stoke Holy Cross puffballs in the morning.

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