Pied Shield-bug Sehirus bicolor - Hollow Lane, Shotesham
Saturday 7th - bike ride in the afternoon with the boys from Shotesham to Hempnall to Woodton and back home. Highlight was a Red Kite, found by Tom, but although it seemed to be loitering, no sign of a second bird unfortunately. Also five Shelduck in flight near Woodton, and first Mallard duckling of year on Shotesham Pond. Overnight, just a single Common Quaker in the trap - a reflection of the cold northerly wind.
Friday 6th - Good Friday so day off. Wander around the village in the morning produced Barren Strawberry and Herb Bennett in flower, two small hoverflies which I keyed later to be male Platycheirus albimanus. A pair of Egyptian Geese were by St Mary's church. In the afternoon we walked around Whitlingham and notched up the first Sand Martins (very late!) and Swallows of the year, as well as another P. albimanus and a dead bumblebee that was either Bombus lucorum or B. terrestris, but I wasn't sure - not an easy pair.
Thursday 5th - Blackcap, Curlew and Oystercatcher at the Nunnery Lakes; first Cowslip of the year in flower along the Norwich southern bypass.
Monday 2nd - sunny enough for the first Speckled Wood of the year at the Nunnery, as well as Common Storksbill in flower, Common Wasp, Alder Fly sp. Also today, somewhere in the Brecks, a very cryptic Stone-curlew! We think there is just one in the photo, but maybe there are more...?
Stone-curlew - at least one!