Sunday 11th - brief walk on the upper common in the morning: a pair of Reed Buntings now, and 14 Barnacle Geese plus the usual Barnacle x Snow hybrid over to Shotesham House at 0905 (and seen flying off that evening at 1800). Then took Duncan to Roydon (nr Diss) for a Rugby tournament, where he saw a Brimstone and I didn't! However, I didn't manage my first Small Tort of the year, and a Hawthorn Shield Bug. Coltsfoot noted by the road as we drove back, and a dead Badger between Stratton and Tasburgh. In the afternoon, at least one Peregrine was perched up on Norwich cathedral.
Saturday 10th - A wander into Norwich included flowers appearing on Shepherd's Purse, Alexanders, Chickweed, Common Field Speedwell and Ivy-leaved Toadflax. In the evening, did my sixth and final Hen Harrier survey of the winter and at last, a ringtail Hen Harrier came through the fen at dusk (although went off to the south, presumably to roost a little while south of me). Usual Cetti's, Water Rails, Marsh Harriers, Chinese Water Deer etc, but also my first bat sp. of the year flew over as I walked back to the car.
Friday 9th - Just single Dotted Border and Common Quaker at the trap in the garden.
Thursday 8th - 3 Oystercatchers at the lakes, and Common Whitlow-grass in flower on the wall by the Nunnery.
Tuesday 6th - Little Egrets by the A47 at Attleborough and also feeding by Stoke Holy Cross mill on the way home.
Monday 5th - a rather unexpected splendid lunchtime highlight. An Arctic Redpoll had been trapped by the BTO team at the weekend, at one of the "secret sites" in the forest; someone's garden who doesn't want a stack of twitchers there. Anyway, the bird was still around this morning so they let us go up for an exclusive lunchtime twitch. It took a while for it to appear (the slow build-up of finches not helped by a lightning strike by a fine male Sparrowhawk) but eventually the redpolls started coming in. Dawn's sharp eyes spotted a likely candidate high in the trees and as we followed it down to the feeders it was indeed the bird, a fine frosty fellow in amongst at least 50 Lessers (didn't notice any obvious Mealy). Most enjoyable, and thanks to the home owner! Also 20+ fine Brambling here too.
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