Saturday 17th - now 10 Linnets on the common, a notable increase. 30 moths in the garden trap that night, 100% Orthosia.
Thursday 15th - sadly, the second dead Badger this week, this time by the A11 east of Wymondham.
Wednesday 14th - a fine Green Woodpecker on the lawn whilst I was eating my breakfast - hard to photo because it was moving its head so fast in and out of the ground; this was the best of about 20 attempts (through the window of course).
Breakfast bird
Tuesday 13th - Sweet Violet in flower along Hollow Lane, and Danish Scurvy-grass in flower along the A11. In the evening, following reports from other moth-ers around the county of large catches of Small Quaker, I looked at a normal light by the school football pitch at Fram and indeed discovered it was (relatively) crawling with moths - 9 Small and 3 Common Quakers, and my third ever Tortricoides alternella (all in the last few weeks!)
Monday 12th - belated WeBS count at Whitlingham in the morning was relatively unremarkable, and no migrants yet. A Sparrowhawk was seen to catch a Pied Wag by the Little Broad. Highlight on the Great Broad was a calling Water Rail by the edge of the bay, but I couldn't get it to respond to playback. Carrion Crow already on a nest on the island (not a Cormorant nest as I initially hoped!)
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