Monday, April 2, 2012

26th March-1st April 2012

Sunday 1st - in the garden, Ivy-leaved Speedwell and Hairy Bittercress (four stamens) in flower, and bees including Bombus pascuorum, Tawny Mining Bee (I guess, looked spot on), the female of yesterday's Anthophora plumipes and two little ones which have been potted for taking to the solitary bee ID course I've just booked onto (and am excited about!) Also a beetle I think is probably Silpha atrata but also needs checking to be sure.

Saturday 31st - Daisy, Dog Violet and Garden Forget-me-not now in flower at home. A bee with rather groovy legs netted along the verge by our house, which I'm pretty sure is the male of Anthophora plumipes. Also a sawfly netted on the common - to be announced (one day, maybe...)

Male Anthophora plumipes I reckon, doing a head stand to show off its hairy legs to best effect

Friday 30th - Two Stone-curlews at a secret site in the Brecks, nice to see. At home, the Linnet flock on the common built up to 14 now, and Redwing still present. A less exciting moth-trap tally tonight but 42 moths including Pine Beauty. First Sexton Beetle of the year in there too.

Thursday 29th - Greater Stitchwort (Hollow Lane) and Cuckoo-flower (by Great Wood) now in flower around Shotesham, as well as two Chiffs. First Comma of the year in the garden.

Wednesday 28th - first Blackcap of the year singing by the river at work, and a Double-striped Pug inside the building. Went to the Norfolk Moth Group meeting in the evening - good talk by Jon and Jim on their conifer moth book; Early Thorn seen there around lighted windows, and a Little Owl calling as I left.

Tuesday 27th - Duncan and I walked around Poringland Woods and spotted the innocuous little flowers of Moschatel.

Monday 26th - Oystercatcher flew past my office window calling!

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