Saturday 31st - Daisy, Dog Violet and Garden Forget-me-not now in flower at home. A bee with rather groovy legs netted along the verge by our house, which I'm pretty sure is the male of Anthophora plumipes. Also a sawfly netted on the common - to be announced (one day, maybe...)
Male Anthophora plumipes I reckon, doing a head stand to show off its hairy legs to best effect
Friday 30th - Two Stone-curlews at a secret site in the Brecks, nice to see. At home, the Linnet flock on the common built up to 14 now, and Redwing still present. A less exciting moth-trap tally tonight but 42 moths including Pine Beauty. First Sexton Beetle of the year in there too.
Thursday 29th - Greater Stitchwort (Hollow Lane) and Cuckoo-flower (by Great Wood) now in flower around Shotesham, as well as two Chiffs. First Comma of the year in the garden.
Wednesday 28th - first Blackcap of the year singing by the river at work, and a Double-striped Pug inside the building. Went to the Norfolk Moth Group meeting in the evening - good talk by Jon and Jim on their conifer moth book; Early Thorn seen there around lighted windows, and a Little Owl calling as I left.
Tuesday 27th - Duncan and I walked around Poringland Woods and spotted the innocuous little flowers of Moschatel.
Monday 26th - Oystercatcher flew past my office window calling!
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